Achieve balance and fulfillment without sacrificing your ambitions.

You’ve found the spot!

FIX Coaching welcomes you! Inspired by the book “The F.I.X. - Focused and Intentional eXecution,” our coaching business is appropriately named “FIX” Coaching. The book serves as a cornerstone for our philosophy, encompassing the values of Focused and Intentional Execution that are crucial to achieving sustainable success in today’s demanding world.

FIX Coaching, therefore, embodies the principles that we firmly believe in - a perfect combination of focus and intentional execution. We understand the complexities of living a balanced life and aim to empower ambitious women to reach their fullest potential without compromising their health, family, or authenticity. We are committed to guiding you along your journey at FIX Coaching with our signature program, the “Ultimate Fulfillment Formula.”

The Ultimate Fulfillment Formula offers the essential tools, resources, and support to achieve balance and holistic fulfillment. With FIX Coaching, you are not fixing what’s broken but fortifying and enhancing what’s already powerful within you, enabling you to build a life you truly adore. Our mission is to help you find the ultimate fulfillment of balancing a successful career with a healthy, authentic life surrounded by the people you love.

Are you ready to unlock your full potential? Let’s collaborate to create the life you’ve always dreamed of!

for a wake-up call? You’re not the only one.

You’re the unstoppable force who conquers everything in her path.

As an ambitious woman, you dominate in your career, leadership, or as a supermom. You juggle all roles effortlessly, and people depend on you. Your unwavering dedication and responsibility are your badges of honor.

Your brilliance, tenacity, and high-achieving nature have led you to break barriers, reach for the stars, and never settle for less. You seem to have it all, and you own it.

  • Despite your seemingly picture-perfect life, happiness and fulfillment are playing hide-and-seek with you.

  • You’re running on fumes, mentally, physically, and emotionally, with no time to refuel and pamper yourself.

  • The crushing pressure and staggering workload have you gasping for air, clueless about how to break free.

  • Your mind is a whirlwind of chaos, ceaselessly worrying about everything on your plate.

  • No matter how much you accomplish, it’s a bottomless pit, leaving you anxious and dreading each day.

  • You bend over backward for everyone else, sacrificing your desires and needs in the process.

  • Disconnected and isolated, you yearn for genuine connections that make your heart sing.

  • Time and space? They’re as elusive as a mirage, with a relentless schedule that engulfs your life.

  • You’re perpetually online, unable to unplug from work, as your phone becomes an extension of yourself.



You know it’s time for a

but why do you feel this way?

radical transformation,

I KNOW THE ART OF PROJECTING AN IMAGE OF PERFECTION FOR THE WORLD TO SEE … While silently grappling with the internal chaos threatening to consume me. Throughout my journey, I have learned to take control of my happiness and unleash the potential to savor the life I have passionately created. So, I cannot help but ask, ARE YOU READY TO IGNITE THAT FIRE WITHIN YOURSELF?

Let me be your guide in this bold journey of transformation. 

You’ve exhausted all the typical solutions. You’ve delved into self-help books, had therapy sessions, and received advice from friends. You’ve attempted yoga and meditation, taken time off work, poured your thoughts onto paper, and even consumed podcasts.

But here’s the reality: It’s not enough

Deep down, you know there must be a superior way to approach your struggles. AND THERE IS. 

You can FLOURISH in both your PROFESSIONAL and PERSONAL life without DISREGARDING one for the other.

You can find the EQUILIBRIUM and SATISFACTION you yearn for.

You can ENHANCE your overall WELL-BEING without constantly SACRIFICING yourself for others.

Don’t struggle alone.